About The Trust
About St Francis CMAT
St Francis CMAT was established in September 2022 as part of the Bishop’s vision to create two Multi Academy Trusts in the Hallam Diocese. Along with its sister CMAT, St Clare, they will house 47 schools in the Diocese, with St Francis comprising 20 Primaries and 3 High Schools.
The vision for our Trust within the Diocese is:
For all children to receive innovative, creative and personalised teaching and learning
For all children to receive an outstanding curriculum which shapes them as people in God’s image
For all children to flourish in stimulating, highly effective, happy environments
For the Trust to be the employer of choice for all staff through investment, recognition and progression
Our Ethos
Our Catholic Ethos is at the core of all that we say and do. The Gospel Teachings underpin education in the Trust and connect us in our ambition and aspiration for the children, no matter their background nor challenges they may face.
The children are the reason for the Trust. All of our decisions are taken with them in our heart and you will play a significant part in this culture.
We hold professional development and ambition at the core of our commitment to staff. Through working alongside us you will receive support, development, challenge and opportunity. We believe in succession planning for the future, in talent spotting and nurturing so that our staff can progress in their role and develop their talents through the Trust structure. We want to work with ambitious hard-working people who have the horizon in their sights.
Our Trust celebrates the individuality of our schools and provides them with a community in which to grow, develop and shine!